What a great time we had!

A Special Note of Thanks
The committee members of the Annual Quitman County Mules & Blues Fest want to personally thank the Quitman County Board of Supervisors, the City of Marks, and all the municipalities of Quitman County for coming together to bring this festival to this region.
We would like to sincerely thank each sponsor, patron, volunteer, entertainer, vendor,
and the general public for their support and participation.
Civil Rights History
Marks Mules & Blues Fest is centered on the 1968 historical event of the “Mule Train” which kicked-off the Poor People’s Campaign to Washington, DC. It is linked to the established Delta Blues and the Mississippi Freedom Trails.
The Marks Mules & Blues Festival showcases the north delta region's historical treasures, artistic talents - music, art, literature - and our southern style culinary skills.
Visit Quitman County's website to learn more about the Mule Train, Poor People's Campaign, and Quitman County.
Photographs by Dr. James Goldman. Many of his photographs documenting the Mule Train appear in Goldman's Gold, a book he published with Macklyn Hubbell.